PLANTEX® Flap Discs

Upgraded Technology & Superior Performance

Our updated, cutting-edge, environmentally friendly Flap Discs are designed for high-performance & efficiency. These flap discs are more impact resistant versus fiberglass, absorb heat and sounds, are usable down to the backing, and are made with industrial protected hemp backing! Our new line consists of the PLANTEX® Sunfire, PLANTEX® SpitFire, PLANTEX® Weld-Ex, and PLANTEX® Aluminum. Our range of Flap Discs can handle even the toughest applications, and are built to excel on a wide range of surfaces. To learn more, please call 203-853-9522 or contact us here.

Longer, faster, and better grinding

Discos de láminas segmentados
Discos de láminas segmentados
These pictures show the clear difference between a CS Unitec flap disc with hard-pressed flaps (top) and a standard flap disc with fiberglass backing and unpressed flaps (bottom). The poorly pressed disc tends to “chatter” during the grinding process, generating vibrations and resulting in the grit pulling away from the mounting prematurely. This results in:
  • Irregular grinding
  • Poor grinding capacity
  • Short service life
  • Potential flap tearing