Scabbler Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is a Scabbler?
A. Scabblers are pneumatic (Air driven) pieces of equipment that use carbide tipped pistons to roughen the substrate creating the correct profile to bond construction materials such as concrete and grouts. Scabblers from CS Unitec are all produced according to the highest quality standards.
Q. Why Use a Scabbler?
A. Correct surface preparation is critical when joining or bonding materials, particularly in critical construction joints and surface overlays. There are numerous alternatives to scabbling but in cases where mechanical preparation is required there are limited options: Chipping hammers or a Bushing tool fitted to an electric hammer drill or breaker.
In Conclusion:
Using the correct piece of equipment for the job is crucial to producing the correct surface profile, while saving time and money overall.
Single and Triple Handheld Scabblers
Perfect for small areas, walls, joints and beams
Pole Scabblers
Designed to be used standing up and for reaching below reinforcement etc.
MHS Floor Scabblers
Fast production of base slabs for screeds and overlays