PORTAMIX MEGA HIPPO® Frequently Asked Questions

A. The PortaMix Hippo is designed to mix products that by broad definition are described as pourable products. This can include liquid products such as paints, sealers, resins, concrete underlayment, overlay and other self leveling compounds as well as more viscous products such as renders, mortars and plaster compounds. This is a generalized description; for more specific detail, please provide detailed information on your proposed application.
Q. Will the PortaMix Hippo mix concrete?
A. Although it is possible for the Hippo to mix concrete, it is not generally recommended. Concrete that requires low slump and large aggregate is not suitable for the Hippo.
Q. Some compound manufacturers say that their products must be mixed with a basket or egg beater type mixer. Is the PortaMix helix mixer suitable for these compounds?
A. Definitely. Basket or egg beater mixing paddles are generally used in hand held mixers where the volume of compound being mixed is usually in much smaller batches and the mixer is moved up and down and around inside the bucket. The combined helix/rod mixing paddle of the Hippo performs multiple functions to ensure complete and thorough mixing without having to use labor to carry out some of the actions an operator with a hand basket mixer would normally have to provide. In addition to this, the size and shape of the canister and helix combines work together to produce a very effective mixing action.
Q. The recommended speed of a mixing paddle is stated by some compound manufacturers to be at least 600 RPM. The Hippo maximum speed is under 500 RPM. This makes the Hippo unsuitable for these compounds, doesn’t it?
A. No, it is ideal for these products. As explained above, traditionally the mixing of these products is done in smaller quantities by hand with smaller mixing paddles of around 4” -5-1/2” diameter. The PortaMix helix paddle is 8-1/2” diameter. The periphery speed therefore is higher which compensates for the slower speed. As always, the proof is in the end result; a thoroughly mixed batch.
Q. Does the size of the helix cause splashing and create mess?
A. Splashing will only occur if there is not enough compound in the canister to suit the helix paddle that is fitted. For small batches use the half size helix (TW225); for full batches, use the full size helix paddle (TW225D). If the helix of the paddle is totally covered and there is no vortex down into the helix when it is mixing, splashing will not occur.
Q. Is the canister suitable for solvents and cleaners?
A. Yes, the canister is made of HDPE, which is resistant to a very wide range of products. These include most solvents and chemicals that are commonly used in the construction and coatings industry. A technical sheet showing detailed information is also available.
Q. The canister seems quite soft and bendable. Is it very durable?
A. Being made of HDPE it is very durable. It is highly resistant therefore will stand up to hundreds of hours of mixing even with abrasive products. Because it is made of HDPE, it is also quite flexible making the cleaning and removal of any set material inside it quite simple. Simply remove the canister and roll it around on the ground de-forming it as you do so and the set material will break off.
Q. Can the canister be repaired if necessary?
A. Absolutely. HDPE material can be welded. This means that you can also add extra fittings if required such as a tap at the bottom of the canister if you wish to dispense mixed liquids from a tap rather than by pouring out.
Q. The Hippo would mostly be used for small projects, wouldn’t it?
A. How small do you call small? Recently, two Hippo units completed a 25,000 sq. meter resin floor at a rate of up to 1,000 sq. meters in 55 minutes!! So yes, it is great for those small jobs and the not so small jobs!!
Q. Are there any products that the Hippo can’t mix?
A. You should never attempt to mix flammable or explosive substances with an electric powered machine or products with a low flash point.
Q. Are there any other motor options?
A. Yes, there is an air-powered motor available.
Q. When should I use a full-size helix and when should I use a half-size helix?
A. The volume of compound will determine the correct size helix you should use. If you require only a small amount of compound to be mixed, use the small helix. Ensure that the helix is totally covered when mixing.
If you require a full batch to be mixed (full canister load), use the full size helix. If you use the small helix to try to mix a full batch, you will not get a thorough mix. If you attempt to mix a small batch with the full size helix, you will create a lot of splashing and introduce air into the compound.
Q. Why do I need both sizes of helix? Won’t one helix do all the mixing? A. First, consider that the prime aim is to mix thoroughly and efficiently. This means quickly and with minimal mess.
A thorough mix will be one in which the aggregate, binders, color, additives and all ingredients are blended together consistently throughout the whole batch without the inclusion of air or lumps of unmixed material.
If you try to mix a full batch with a small helix, you will not get the upper levels of the compound thoroughly mixed together, or it will take a much longer time to achieve a thorough mixture.
If you use a full size helix in a small amount of compound, only the compound around the helix will be blended leaving much of the material around the periphery untouched. You will create a lot of splashing and introduce air into the compound which could cause premature setting.
The correct helix will ensure that the compound flows and moves evenly around the canister while being mixed. According to your mix volumes, you will need to use the appropriate helix to ensure a satisfactory result in minimal time.
Q. Can I use a different helix?
A. You will not get the same results with a different helix. There are many factors in the design of the machine that ensure that the Hippo will do what it is designed to do. If you change one of these factors by using a different size and style of helix, you will compromise the intended result. Bear in mind that the result includes time efficiency as well as a thorough mix.
Q. Why is a thorough mix so important?
A. In today’s world of advanced product development, product performance and company liability, it is essential that any products installed are installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation processes.
One of the most common causes of failure of coatings is incorrect mixture of the coating. This is very quickly and easily determined by laboratory analysis. Incorrectly mixed product is not covered by manufacturers' warranty and the responsibility comes back on the installer.
Doing the job correctly the first time with the right equipment will save time and money in the long run.

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